Monday, February 24, 2014

Tales from the Crib

We have one of those fancy monitors where not only can you hear what's going on
inside baby's room but you can also see what shenanigans baby is up to.  It's nice being able to check in on him without having to open his door and risk waking him, but many times, we also get a laugh at what we see. Here are a few of my favorites:
The "Roller Coaster Ride":
 The "Walk Like an Egyptian":
The "Bear Head" (my personal favorite):
Our baby has morphed into a bear baby!
I know how ridiculous it sounds, but I have come to believe that this monitor not only transmits information for us to see but it somehow also sends sights and sounds from our end back to Caleb's room.  All too often, this is what I see:
The "Mom Stop Taking Pictures of the Monitor and Come Get Me":

Needless to say, I am always now very careful not to be too loud around the  monitor and not to shake it or move it a lot, and I never, never look at it for more than three seconds at a time.  Trust me on this one.  For some reason which I can't explain, doing any of those things always results in waking the baby.  Am I just crazy or has anyone else had this experience, too?

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Shop Til You Drop

I've heard all the horror stories.  Other moms have relayed to me the screaming, the tantrums, the meltdowns, the hissy fits.  I've listened with rapt attention as moms have told their harrowing experiences at the grocery store with their little ones.  Most stories involved leaving your full grocery cart in the middle of the frozen foods section while you ran from the store, hoping that the store employees will forgive you both for disturbing their peaceful work environment and for leaving a cart full of groceries for them to put back.  After these stories, I would always resolve NEVER to bring my child to the grocery store.  At least not until he can behave appropriately in public.  Actually seeing such episodes while shopping myself only strengthened my resolve.
That is until last Thursday morning.  Don't ask me why.  It just seemed like a good idea.  Caleb awoke from his morning nap, and I needed to make my weekly run to Publix.  Why not?  So I broke out the never-been-used shopping cart cover and headed to the store, baby in tow. 
As soon as I slid Caleb's legs into the two holes in the cart and the sliding glass doors invited us in, all of the stories came rushing back to me, and I almost turned back around.  But Caleb was in a good mood, and we needed some more bananas.  So off we went. 
I can proudly report that not once did Caleb fuss or whine or cry while at the store.  In fact, he was all smiles because his mom was smiling and talking to him the whole time. 
So it looks like we'll be making more trips to the store together...that is until I test fate one too many times, and I become the mom running from the store in tears.  If you see me then, please tell the nice Publix workers sorry for me.