Thursday, June 26, 2014

Ladies' Man

Maybe it's the mysterious dark blue eyes.  Maybe it's his golden tan and chunky monkey legs.  Maybe it's his pearly whites (all 2 1/4 of them).  Or maybe it's the long dark eye lashes and chubby cheeks.  Maybe it's the way he squeals and claps when he's excited.  Whatever the cause, it's undeniable:  Caleb is a full-fledged ladies' man. 
From young to old, they all fall for his boyish charm.  Just this week, I picked him up from the kids club at the gym, where he was crying on the floor next to a little baby girl.  When I asked why he was crying, I was told that the little girl next to him just had to hold him the whole time.  He's apparently irresistible even to the littlest of ladies.  When I picked him up, he smiled and clapped, happy to be rescued from his admirer.
I'm just glad to see that he only has eyes for his mama (at least for now).

Sunday, June 15, 2014

World's Most Awesome Dad

Caleb, I'm sure you already know this, but your daddy is Awesome. Not just awesome but capital "A" Awesome.  As in the very definition of World's Most Awesome Dad.  Just the other day, I came home to the two of you rocking out to Van Halen (I'm told you were even dancing!).  You can't help but squeal with delight when he turns your frowns upside down (literally) by dangling you by your feet in mid-air.  When you weren't feeling so well earlier this week, I found you asleep on his chest, just like you used to do when you were a bitty baby.  Despite the name, you love it when he puts you in "baby jail" (the laundry basket) and then turns it into a baby roller coaster by swinging you back and forth.  Even more important than all of that, he continually shows you what it means to be a man of God, a loving and devoted husband, a diligent worker, and a faithful servant to others.  He selflessly gives of his time and energy to work hard to provide for us and then spends his free time playing with you (even when all he may want and need is a nap!).  He's not only the model of what an earthly father should be, even with his faults and shortcomings, but he also never ceases pointing you to our perfect Heavenly Father.  So, on this his First Father's Day as a father, make sure to be extra sweet to him and let him know how much we both love and appreciate him and all of his Awesomeness.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Caleb at One Year

Weight:  24 lbs.
Height:  29 inches.
Teeth:  2.
He can:  pull up, "cruise", clap, wave, play peek-a-boo, and "high-five."
He loves:  things that spin (especially wheels), going outside, playing with the blinds, dancing, music, laughing with Mommy, and Checker (our cat).
Favorite food:  sweet potatoes, butternut squash, bananas, strawberries, and peas.
Favorite songs:  Rockin' Robin and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. 
He can say:  cat (well, it usually comes out more like "dat" or "gat" but we all know what he's saying!). 
Favorite book:  Jesus Storybook Bible and Goodnight Moon.