So this started happening a few weeks ago:
Caleb is officially walking without help from anyone. Yes, he falls to his bottom every now and then, but for the most part, walking is his primary means of mobility. And of course, we've completed all the necessary baby-proofing...because nothing three feet and below is safe from his grasp now!
On this special milestone, I find myself thinking back to a year ago when he was so small and when no one knew what sort of health repercussions he would suffer as a result of his premature birth. All kinds of scary sounding medical words were tossed around by various health practitioners, conditions that we might have to deal with indefinitely, and I remember most of my time being preoccupied with scheduling and attending a myriad of doctor's appointments.
Now, over a year later, Caleb has been thoroughly checked over by all the doctors and specialists, and miraculously, nothing abnormal can be found. On the contrary, by all accounts, he seems to be a healthy, happy, normal toddler. He's closing the gap between where he is developmentally and where other full-term 15 month old babies are (not too shabby considering they had an extra three months in the womb!). He's growing like a weed, and in his last check up, he was at over 50% for height and weight of other babies his age (not his adjusted age). He has five teeth now, and he's (finally) started to sign words like "please" and "all done" to us during meal time. He loves his books, and he can identify many items in them by pointing at them when asked where the item is.

I know it sounds like I'm bragging...Maybe I am a little, but mostly I am just so grateful. This could have turned out quite differently (and it still could), but the Lord has been so gracious to us. So when Caleb is taking all of the contents out of the bathroom drawers and laying them in the floor (or the bath tub) for the fiftieth time of the day, I pray that I would be thankful for that because he's just doing what normal toddlers do. And when he picks up every last thing he can find in the floor and puts them all in his mouth, may it remind me of God's goodness and faithfulness to us. And when he pokes his grubby little fingers at my mouth and nose over and over again throughout the day, may it be an obvious reminder to me of the amazing miracle that this little guy is.