Thursday, February 9, 2017

Up and at 'Em

I think we're all morning people in our family.  Tony and I (mostly) like getting an early start on the day, and our children appear to as well.  Usually right when Caleb's clock hits 7:00, we can hear a loud thud (his feet dropping to the floor from the bed) and then a series of louder thuds (him racing to the door of his room), ready to see what the day holds for him.  Likewise, you can often hear Wren in the early mornings cooing and jingling her babies around in her crib, as though she were telling them, "Rise and Shine, Babies!"  Judson is a little less subtle.  You can often hear him rhythmically banging the side of his crib when the hour to awaken approaches.  Sometimes you can hear him singing too (or at least what sounds like singing to me).  When we greet them in the mornings, they're all pure sweetness - full of cuddles and kisses and giggles.  And the bed-head.  It's epic...especially on Wren. 
Here's one of our favorite morning activities (bed-head and all):  everyone cram into the laundry basket!

And since we all love mornings, we of course also love breakfast.  All day.  Hence, IHOP is always unanimously approved for dinner.

Speaking of being "up and at 'em," this girl is officially walking!
Every morning I'm so thankful that I can start my day with these blessings!