Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day 2019

I don't know why the Lord blessed me with these three sweeties.  There are many days that I feel woefully inadequate for such a weighty task, but I sure am glad God made me their mama!  May I live up to such a high calling.  Happy Mother's Day to all!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

May 2019

Strength Circuit 1

3 times through of each of the following circuits:

10 Dumbbell Squats 30#
10 Dumbbell Shoulder Press 20#
High Knees - 20s

10 Romanian Deadlifts 30#
10 Dumbbell Bicep Curls 20#
Mountain Climbers - 20s

10 Dumbbell Goblet Squats 45#
10 Dumbbell Upright Rows 20#
Star Jumps - 20s

10 Plie Squats 45# (plate)
10 Hammer Curls 15#
Burpees - 20s

10 Single Leg Deadlift (each leg) 20# (2)
Jump Rope - 20 s

10 Squat Deadlifts 20#
10 Lateral Raise 15#
Plank Jacks - 20s

Power HIIT 1

20s high intensity (stair master, etc.), 40s-1 minute recovery - 8 times though

5 times through the following circuit (only resting 1 minute after the completion of each round):

10 Barbell Bench Press 80#
10 Dumbbell Pullover 30#
10 Triceps Dip (assisted with 72#)
10 Reverse Grip Barbell Bent Over Row 60# (or 70#)
10 (each leg) Alternating Reverse Lunges 25#
5 (each leg) Three-Legged Dog to Knee-to-Nose


5 rounds of:

20 Walking Lunges 25#
20 Push Ups
50 High Knees (per leg)
15 Reverse Fly 15#
30 Side-to-side Elbow Planks

Tabata 1

20s on/10s off 
Plank Up/Downs
Bicycle Crunches
Speed Skaters
Knee Ups

5 rounds

Power HIIT 2

20s high intensity (stair master, etc.), 1 minute recovery - 10 times through

5 times through of the following circuit (only resting 1 minute after the completion of each round):

10 Barbell Bench Press 80#
8-10 Assisted Pull Ups 75#
10 Tricep Dips 75#
10 Reverse Grip Dumbbell Bent Over Row 25#
10 Reverse Lunges (per leg) 25#
20 Bicep Curls #10
10 each leg Three-Legged Dog to Knee-to-Nose

Tabata 2

20s on/10s off
Plank Up/Downs
Knee Ups
Bicycle Crunches
Speed Skaters
Jump Squats

5 rounds

Strength Circuit 2

Strength Circuit 1 5 times through


5 rounds of:

20 Walking Lunges 25#
20 Push Ups
60 High Knees (per leg)
20 Reverse Fly 15#
40 Side-to-side Elbow Planks