Sunday, November 17, 2019

Families That Run Together...

..have fun together!
This afternoon we all participated in the 1st Annual Love Like Reed 5K run, and we had a blast!
This was the first race that Tony and I have run together since before we were dating.  That may have been 14 years ago, but I think we both improved our times!
The kids loved watching us race to the finish line at the end (and playing on the bleachers and field with RaRa while we were chugging along elsewhere).

Our good friends Christine and Jason ran the race with us too.  Christine and I ran with each other the whole time and wouldn't let the other person slow down.  Though neither of us said a word, the mere fact that the other person was still there and still incessantly putting one foot in front of the other was enough to keep each of us going.  We may be a bit competitive.
The kids got in on the action too, with Caleb, Wren and Ava running in the 1 Mile Fun Run.  I was so proud of their perseverance - they all finished strong, sprinting across the finish line.  They were a little proud of themselves too.

What better way to spend a beautiful Sunday afternoon than having fun and moving with our friends in the sunshine!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

November 2019

Legs & Shoulders

30 seconds of each exercise, 4 times through each set:

Kick From The Floor Right
Standing Alternating One Arm Shoulder Press
Kick From the Floor Left
Mountain Climbers

Band Assisted Single Leg Squat Right
Straight Arm Lateral Raise
Band Assisted Single Leg Squat Left
Tuck Jumps

Angled Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats Right
Dumbbell Burpees
Angled Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats Left
Plank Jacks

Intervals & Back & Biceps

30s on/off intervals x 10

3-4 times through, 8-10 reps

Bent Over Row
Barbell Curl
Reverse Fly

Cable Wide Grip Row
Cable Curl

Single Arm Wide Lat Pulldown
Drag Curl

Single Arm Bent Over Row
Dumbbell Curls

Chest & Triceps

3-4 times through

Hand Release Push Up - 10
Skull Crushers - 10
Jump Rope - 30 seconds
Standing Svend Press - 10
Angled Rope Press down - 10
Jump Rope - 30 seconds
1.5 Dumbbell Press - 8-10
Rope Press Down - 8-10
Jump Rope - 30 seconds
Squeeze Press - 8-10
Triceps Push Ups - 10
Jump Rope
Chest Fly - 8-10
Triceps Dips - 20
Jump Rope - 30 seconds

Legs & Core

3-4 times through, 8-10 reps

Back Squats

Lateral Eccentric Touch Down
Palloff Press
Banded Football Touch Downs - 30 seconds

Reverse Lunge to Single Leg Deadlift
Decline Oblique Twist
Banded Jumping Jacks - 30 seconds

TRX Single Leg Hip Thrust
TRX Body Saw
Lunge Jacks - 30 seconds

30 seconds of each, 3-4 times through:

Back Extension
Full Moon
Side Plank Tuck


1. Sprints
2. 5K
3. Mile & sprints
4. 5K

Halloween 2019

 I don't always do the best job at Halloween, but I think we did ok this year...The kids all had recognizable costumes that they all actually wore this year.
At their costume parade at school, Wren was Rapunzel and Judson was Yoda.  (Isn't he just the perfect Yoda?)

 We carved our giant pumpkins from Papaw Clyde a few days before Halloween.  Caleb's was scary.  Wren's was happy, and Judson's was silly.

 For Halloween, Caleb was a stormtrooper, Wren was a ballerina, and Judson was Yoda again.

Though it was chilly that evening, they were all troopers during trick-or-treating.  The promise of warm baths (and a piece or two of candy, of course) lured them back home with no problems.
This weekend we then enjoyed an afternoon birthday party, complete with sack/mermaid races.  The beautiful weather and fun with friends was the perfect bookend to our Halloween week.