If there was an award for losing, Caleb's baseball team this fall would have won. They were undefeated at being defeated. That's right, they lost each and every game they played this season, though there were many that were close and several that they should have won but for the torturing twist of fate.
While there is no such award, all of the players still certainly walked away with some intangibles that will stick with them much longer than a trophy (and will gather much less dust): how to lose gracefully, how to encourage your teammates, how to take correction with humility, how to work together as a team, how to handle the anger and embarrassment after striking out or missing a fly ball, how to work hard to improve your skills, and so much more. As I keep telling Caleb, you learn more from losing than from winning.
As for Caleb, he is a competitor at heart, and this hasn't been easy (especially since his team won the championship in the spring). There have been a few instances where Caleb has let anger get the better of him, but I can say that more often than not this season, his attitude has been on point. I couldn't be prouder of him - both because of how well he played and because of his positive attitude.
Both he and the team as a whole have improved so much over these past few months and certainly gave the other teams a run for their money. They're winners in my book. For now, we will take some time to rest and eagerly anticipate the spring season (and I'm sure there will continue to be plenty of hitting shows in the cul-de-sac)...
Though we came away with zero wins, they all learned so much, both about baseball and about life. I'd say that was a win.