Saturday, November 20, 2021

Weekend in Athens

 The kids were able to experience their first Georgia football game this weekend.  Wren and Judson were just along for the ride, but Caleb was so into it!  He's already asking when we can go again.  Go Dawgs!!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

November & December 2021

 1. Tabata (20/10 x 3)

2. 3 x 15

3. 30s supersets


5. 3 x 10

6. AMRAP (5 minutes)

7. 3 x 6 w/ eccentric focus (10s for the downward motion)

8. 4 x 6-8

Back, Biceps & Rear Delts

weighted bird dog
wood chopper (per side)
scapula push up

pull up
singe arm banded straight arm pulldown
barbell curl
upper body banded jacks

face pull
reverse grip curl
banded plank jacks

cable row
reverse grip row
prone incline curl
superstar band jack


frog pump
bodyweight squat
plank w/ weight slide side to side

reverse lunge
dumbbell Bulgarian split squat (per side)
lunge jump

B-stance deadlift
barbell deadlift
kettlebell swing

cossack squat (per side)
barbell back squat
dumbbell jump squat

plie squat
plyometric front lunge (per side)
beast to catcher

Chest, Triceps & Delts

hill sprints

single leg plank with leg raise
exercise ball ab circle
band shoulder circles

incline press
upright row to shoulder press

wall walk up
svend press

chest fly to tricep press
nose breakers
lateral raise

push up to pike
plank up/down
floor chest press and ab hold

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 It's hard to believe that it's been three months since school started and since my last post, but it has been.  We're all well into the swing of things with school, baseball season has come and is almost gone, Wren and Judson turned 6, Halloween has already happened, Judson lost (and swallowed) his first tooth, Tony and I took a get-away to Jamaica, and so much more.  The kids and kittens have grown so much in such a short amount of time.  So, in reverse order from Halloween to the beginning of August, here are what we've been up to lately.