Sunday, February 27, 2022

March and April 2022

Days 1-7:  Moderate Weight, 10-15 reps, Tabata (20/10 x 4) (HIIT)

Days 8-14:  Moderate Weight, 10-12 reps x 3, eccentric focus, 45s x 2-3 for HIIT

Days 15-21: Heavy Weight, 5-7 reps x 4 (no HIIT)

Days 22-end:  Light Weight, 15-20 reps, 5-minute AMRAP

Days 1-7:  Moderate Weight, 10-15 reps, 30s each x 3 (HIIT)

Days 8-14:  Moderate Weight, 10 reps complex (all moves together) x 3

Days 15-21:  Heavy Weight, 5-7 reps x 4 with rest-pause (no HIIT)

Days 22-end:  Light Weight, 21s (7 upper range, 7 lower range, 7 full range) x 3, 45s x 2-3 for HIIT

Day 1:  Chest, Back & Core

(power) push ups
stability ball back extension

(stability ball) lat pullover
(stability ball) chest press

decline press

high cable cross over
angled press

neutral grip incline press
low row

stability ball plank
jumping jacks
side plank with band row (r)
mountain climbers
side plank with band row (l)
side shuffle
super man pull down
side to side burpee
lunge jump

Day 2:  Legs & Core

half kneeling kettlebell halo (per direction)
one arm overhead dumbbell squat (per side)

calf raises

leg extension
prone ham curls

cable glute kickbacks (per side)
cable adductor/abductor (per side)

decline Russian twist
drop lunge (per side)

calf jumps
pistol squat (r)
lunge jumps
pistol squat (l)
kettle bell swing
alternating side lunge
jump squat
step ups

Day 3:  Arms & Core

overhead carry (per side)
reverse plank
hammer curl to shoulder press to overhead triceps press
plank jack up downs

dumbbell Arnold press
banded squat to overhead press
row and rotate on ball
biceps curl to jump back triceps push up

dumbbell bent over Y raise
biceps push up
skull crusher with leg drops
banded plank jack (2) with kick through (per side)

Day 4:  Run Focus

Week 1:  Hill Sprints
Week 2:  Long Sprints
Week 3:  Steady State Run
Week 4:  Long Walk

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Things Kids Say

One of my favorite things to do is listen to the things my kids say.  They will tell jokes, sing songs, misspeak in hilarious ways, recount stories, laugh about what someone else said, and just generally carry on a conversation.  

Wren asked me today why girls wear makeup, and then she told me that I was pretty without makeup.  (I just love her.)  She also told me that she loves me because I'm pretty and because I take her on fun vacations.  Thankfully, she did also assure me that she would still love me if I were ugly and too poor to take her anywhere.  

Yes, of course, there are (many) days when they call each other names (call me names even), hit each other and tattle on one another too.  

But sometimes there are those extra special days when I can do nothing but stop and smile and give thanks because of their words.  

For example, one day recently, Caleb was snuggling with Tiger (although Tiger may call it more like kidnapping (or perhaps catnapping?)), and I heard Caleb say to him, "Do you know how special you are?  You are so special!"  A few days later, Wren was petting Luna and said, "You are the sweetest, most precious girl in the whole world! Oh, yes you are!"  I heard Judson when he was playing with his action figures say, "You are so smart.  You can do this!"  These are all things that I have told each of them.  

I have heard it said more than once that what your mom says to you growing up becomes your inner monologue as an adult, and these scenarios are so encouraging to me.  They're listening to me!  And taking my words to heart!  I hope these are words that they will continue to use to build others and themselves up for many years to come.

Now, don't ask me where they come up with all the potty humor...