Friday, January 19, 2024

Snow Seekers

 When the snow won't come to you, why not go to the snow?  That's what we did!  There had been a large snowfall a few hours north of us, so we hopped in the van and had a snow day (even if it was more icy than snowy)!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

January & February 2024

Week 1 (1-7): 10-12 reps x 6 minute AMRAP; Tabata HIIT

Week 2 (8-14): 8-10 reps x 3 sets; 30 second HIIT

Week 3 (15-21): 6-8 reps x 4 sets; no HIIT

Week 4 (22-end): 12-15 reps x 3 sets; 45/15 HIIT

Weeks 5-8: Same as above but in reverse order

Day 1:  Test

Push Up Test (1 min.)

Run 1 mile for time

Plank Test (hold as long as possible)

Wall Sit (hold as long as possible)

Day 2:  

ball back extension w/ banded lat pull down
band shoulder rotation
frog pump hip lift

lat pull down
cable triceps press

banded lateral squat walk
shoulder press

V raise on glute machine (extend arms out like "V")
pretty gladiator

clam shell (per side)
triceps push up

wide grip row
lateral raise to front raise

face pull
angled triceps press down

bike/rowing machine/stair intervals

Day 3:

banded knee lift
glute bridge
toe raises

glute builder machine
hack squat
seated calf raise

leg extension
glute machine
Roman chair straight leg lifts

Bulgarian split squat
single-leg glider mountain climbers
weighted V up

Day 4:

bar chest press
biceps curl
reverse fly

incline press
drag curl
rotator cuff rotation

machine chest fly
machine reverse fly (pinkies out)
close grip pull up

weighted roll back to get up
Russian twist
donkey kicks
side plank cross body crunch (right)
box jump
side plank cross body crunch (left)
hollow rock

Day 5:

leg sled back and forth 10x

ball supine glute leg lift
ball squeeze hip lift
kelltlbell swing

trap bar deadlift
plie squat leg lift
curtsy lunges (per side)

lying harm curl (or Nordic ham curl)
machine adductor

glider side lunge (per side)
slider ham curls

Day 6:

Eccentric Focus 10 reps per exercise (go through all exercises before repeating exercises; 3-4 sets)
Dumbbell Chest Press
Lat Pull Down
Hip Lift
Overhead triceps press
Biceps Curl

Steady State Cardio for remaining time

Day 7:


Day 8-11: repeat days 2-5