From the moment we first put up the Christmas tree, Caleb knew there was something special about this time of year. It only took me about twice as long as usual to put it up, but it was worth the effort - Caleb loved looking at all the twinkling lights and glittery ornaments.
[Please disregard the disheveled nature of the ornaments and beads at the top of the Christmas tree. The lights on the top third of tree went out after I had already decorated it. After emergency surgery to replace the non-working lights, I never quite found the time to re-decorate the tree. I wonder why... ]
With the addition of shiny paper and sparkly bows on the presents that began piling up under the tree, Caleb really loved looking at the tree. He did not realize that these presents were for more than his viewing pleasure until a few days before Christmas when he was able to open his first gifts. We only had to show him one time how to grab the paper and pull to open his gifts. After that he intuitively reached for the bows or paper on every gift placed near him. I've concluded that the ability to open presents must be innate...either that or babies just grab and pull everything near them...Regardless, by the end of Christmas Day he was an old pro at present opening. He loved it. And he hasn't even quite realized yet that the things underneath the wrapping paper can be more fun that the paper and bows themselves!

The present opening was fun, but, by far, Caleb's favorite part of Christmas was spending it with all of his favorite people. He loved showing off with his infectious smiles and baby giggles and squeals.
Caleb still must have been fixated on some wrapping paper on the floor. |
Talking for Aunt Beth and Cousin Kayla |
Laughing for Mamaw |
Playing with his new toy from Ra Ra |
He loved Cousin Rebecca's curly hair! |
Laughing for Daddy |
Meeting Aunt Bernice |
Being silly with Peepaw |
Mommy's sweet baby |
After Caleb went to sleep, the fun continued at all of our celebrations:
"Is it my turn yet?" |
I would say that Christmas was a success and that Caleb has found his love for Christmas.
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