"I don't want to lay on a cloud." I told him that he wouldn't have to lay on a cloud if he didn't want to. Nor would he have to play a harp.
"Will I fall off a cloud?" I assured him that if he did choose to lay on a cloud, he would most definitely not fall off of it.
"How will I get back down from heaven?" Uhhh….I'm just guessing, but I said that he could fly or be transported down?
"Can we bring the Jesus Storybook Bible with us to heaven?" I couldn't see a reason why that would not be welcome there...if we were to bring possessions with us.
"Where will Noah be?" Good question. Maybe in a boat floating on the River of Life?
"When will Jesus come?" No one knows that one.
But by far his most pressing concern was: "Is there really a stairway to heaven? Where is it?" How do you explain to a five year old that the stairway to Heaven is not a physical structure but that Jesus is the true stairway to Heaven - the only way that we can enter Heaven? I tried, but I think we will still need to work on that one. He's looking for an actual staircase somewhere.
I just love his inquisitive nature and his curiosity over these matters!
Much to Judson's great pleasure, we also spent some time at Brent and Mimi's house where we sat on a real live tractor!
The kids also finished up their Summer Reading Program in which they completed 50 different activities related to the library and reading/writing in exchange for...inflatable guitars!
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