It was last year at about this time that I almost gave in to my inner-Grinch and called off Christmas (or at least put a stop to the annual tradition of putting up a Christmas tree) due to my children sabotaging my efforts to be festive. With memories of broken ornaments and headless reindeer still fresh in our minds, we wised up and took advantage of after-Christmas deals to stock up on some $5 ornaments - of the shatterproof variety. (Thank you, Aldi!)
So this year I didn't sweat it when my kids laid their paws on my ornaments (or at least the non-breakable variety). They even helped in putting up the tree and the ornaments this year.
To be sure, I saved my favorite, breakable ornaments for last, and I only tucked them safely at the top of the tree after all the kids were sound asleep. While we still have had a few broken or missing ornaments, it's been nothing compared to the great ornament massacre of 2017.
It only took me six years or so, but I finally discovered the secret to having a pretty and safe-for-kids Christmas tree: shatterproof ornaments!
Next year we'll just have to work on not hanging five ornaments off of the same branch...
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