Sunday, July 14, 2019

July 2019

Advanced HIIT 1

Complete 3-4 Rounds of each circuit.  Rest 30 seconds between rounds.

Plank Up/Down Jack - 45 seconds
15 seconds rest
Alternating Single-Legged V-Up - 45 seconds
15 seconds rest
Bent Over Dumbbell Row/Flye Combo - 45 seconds - 15#
15 seconds rest

Dumbbell Burpees - 45 seconds - 15#
15 seconds rest
Jumping Lunges - 45 seconds
15 seconds rest
Shallow Rock - 45 seconds
15 seconds rest
Speedskaters with Dumbbell Punch - 45 seconds - 5#
15 seconds rest

Power HIIT 5

8 rounds of intervals 30 on/30 off

12 reps of the following exercises, 3-4 rounds of each circuit

Kettlebell chest press with banded glute bridge - 35#
Diamond Pushups

Bent-over dumbbell alternating rows - 20#/15#
Two-arm bent-over dumbbell underhanded row - 20#/15#
Rear Delt Flye - 15#

Dumbbell hip thrusters - 45#
Dumbbell sumo deadlift - 35#
Dumbbell squat - 35#

AMRAP Strength Circuit 1

As many reps as possible for each exercise in 30 seconds.  3-4 rounds of each tri-set.  45 seconds rest between rounds.  

Kettlebell Deadlift to Catch/Biceps Curl - 20# 
Goblet Squat/Shoulder Press/Triceps Extension - 15#
Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swing - 25#

Dumbbell Clean and Press - 15#
Single-Legged Deadlift - 15#
Front Raise with Squat - 10#

Sumo Squat Jump with Single-Arm Row (30s each side) - 15#
Dumbbell Chest Press to Pullover - 10#

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