Monday, September 30, 2019

Fall Break 2019

Mom and Dad got some much needed away time while Caleb, Wren and Judson packed as much fun in a week's time as they could during Fall Break, including jump houses, dinosaurs, ice cream, play grounds, pedicures, parks, birthday parties, and more ice cream.

We had some fun too, though our chosen activities were a bit more sedate (eating, naps on the beach, working out, eating, reading, naps by the pool, swimming, eating, yoga, snorkeling, naps on the boat, biking, watching the sunset, eating, etc.).

I think we're all caught up on our sleep for a bit!

Fair 2019

October 2019

Upper Body Circuit

30s on/10s rest 5 times through:

Seal Jack
Reverse Fly
Dumbbell Row
Alternating Triceps Kickback
Dumbbell Hammer Curl
Dumbbell Overhead Extension
Triceps Push Up


3 times through each of the following circuits:

Dumbbell Squat - 15
Lying Hip Thrusts - 20
Plie Squat Jump - 30 seconds

Barbell Back Squat - 10
B-Stance Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift - 10-12 per leg
Lunge Jumps - 30 seconds

Pistol Squat - 10 per leg
Banded Deadlift - 10-12
Side Shuffle - 30 seconds

Deficit Deadlift - 10-12
Lying Ball Leg Curl - 15-20
Jump Squats - 30 seconds

Intervals & Intervals

30s intervals on elliptical x 10

12 minute Tabata (3 sets)

Squat with supinated press
Dumbbell slide plank

Alternating sumo squat & curtsy lunge
Pop Squat with forward dumbbell press

Dumbbell wood chopper (right)
Dumbbell wood chopper (left)

Chest & Back & Core

Push Ups - AMRAP
1 minute recovery
Pull Ups - AMRAP
1 minute recovery

3 times through of each of the following circuits (10-12 reps per set):

Barbell Chest Press
Inverted Row

Incline Chest Fly
High Row

Decline Barbell Chest Press
Underhanded Barbell Row

Finisher:  Each exercise for 30 seconds

push up
pull up
dumbbell chest press
renegade row
stability ball fly
stability ball overhead pull
T-push up
underhanded dumbbell row

2 times through of the following:

stability ball exchange - 10
stir the pot - 30 seconds each way
stability ball plank hold - 30 seconds
single leg v-in - 10 each leg
rock the cradle - 10 each side
penguin - 100

Speed and Endurance Run

0-2:  warm up
2-3: moderate pace
3-3:30:  sprint
3:30-4:30:  moderate pace
4:30-5:  side shuffle (15s each way)
5-6 moderate pace
6-6:30: high knees
6:30-7:  moderate pace

repeat minutes 2-7 4 to 5 more times

28:30-30:  cool down

A Rock Star is Born

He saved his money, and pestered and badgered us for weeks until we finally caved. We made the online order, and then the real waiting began. Each day we counted down the days until it would arrive and even tracked where it was during shipment. When Caleb’s electric guitar and amp finally arrived, the sheer joy on his face was worth every penny and moment counting down the days.
Here it was when it arrived:

It didn't take long for Caleb and his new guitar to get well-acquainted. 

It also did not take long for other members of our family to put to good use the large box.

My most sincere apologies to the neighbors for the cacophony coming from our house now.