Monday, September 30, 2019

October 2019

Upper Body Circuit

30s on/10s rest 5 times through:

Seal Jack
Reverse Fly
Dumbbell Row
Alternating Triceps Kickback
Dumbbell Hammer Curl
Dumbbell Overhead Extension
Triceps Push Up


3 times through each of the following circuits:

Dumbbell Squat - 15
Lying Hip Thrusts - 20
Plie Squat Jump - 30 seconds

Barbell Back Squat - 10
B-Stance Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift - 10-12 per leg
Lunge Jumps - 30 seconds

Pistol Squat - 10 per leg
Banded Deadlift - 10-12
Side Shuffle - 30 seconds

Deficit Deadlift - 10-12
Lying Ball Leg Curl - 15-20
Jump Squats - 30 seconds

Intervals & Intervals

30s intervals on elliptical x 10

12 minute Tabata (3 sets)

Squat with supinated press
Dumbbell slide plank

Alternating sumo squat & curtsy lunge
Pop Squat with forward dumbbell press

Dumbbell wood chopper (right)
Dumbbell wood chopper (left)

Chest & Back & Core

Push Ups - AMRAP
1 minute recovery
Pull Ups - AMRAP
1 minute recovery

3 times through of each of the following circuits (10-12 reps per set):

Barbell Chest Press
Inverted Row

Incline Chest Fly
High Row

Decline Barbell Chest Press
Underhanded Barbell Row

Finisher:  Each exercise for 30 seconds

push up
pull up
dumbbell chest press
renegade row
stability ball fly
stability ball overhead pull
T-push up
underhanded dumbbell row

2 times through of the following:

stability ball exchange - 10
stir the pot - 30 seconds each way
stability ball plank hold - 30 seconds
single leg v-in - 10 each leg
rock the cradle - 10 each side
penguin - 100

Speed and Endurance Run

0-2:  warm up
2-3: moderate pace
3-3:30:  sprint
3:30-4:30:  moderate pace
4:30-5:  side shuffle (15s each way)
5-6 moderate pace
6-6:30: high knees
6:30-7:  moderate pace

repeat minutes 2-7 4 to 5 more times

28:30-30:  cool down

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