Monday: HIIT Cardio & Core
5 minutes steady state cardio
1 minute each, 2 times:
elevated toe tap
squat touchdown
50/10, 3 times through:
burpee jump over
lunge jump shuffle
traveling push up
elevated mountain climbers
45/15, 3-4 times through:
plank up/down jack
alternating single leg V-up
swimmer with flutter kicks
dumbbell hold with toe taps
Tuesday: Legs
2 times:
20 hip thrusts
20 bw squats
3 times through:
sprawl 30/10
kettlebell seesaw lunge 30 (per side)/10
kettlebell swing & goblet squat ladder 90/30
3 times:
15/side pistol squats
20/side single leg jump squats
10/ landmine bulgarian split squat
10/ single leg weighted hip thrust
15 landmine squat
5/side banded square bear crawl
30s each, 3-4 times:
banded deadbug
knee to stand overhead hold
crawling the plank
Hill sprint
Wednesday: Chest & Back
2 times:
10 kettlebell angled press
5/side crab reach
3 times:
10 landmine row
10 side to side push ups
20 oblique twist
10 face pull
10 shrugs
10 4 point plank
10 db incline fly
10 db squeeze press
10 high row
10 barbell press
10 toes to bar
10 low row
10 cable fly
stair master intervals (20/20/40/20/60/20/80/20/60/20/40/20/20)
Thursday: Metabolic Overload
2 times:
8 elbow pointers (4/side)
15 push ups
15 bw squats
Every two minutes for 4 rounds:
8 landmine chest press
8 landmine barbell rotations (4/side)
8 db lateral lunges (each leg)
remaining time: overhead carry
Every two minutes for 4 rounds:
8 sumo barbell deadlift
8 banded front squat
8 db thrusters
remaining time: alternating Turkish getups
Every two minutes for 4 rounds:
4 pull ups
4 woman makers
8 single leg burpees (4/side)
remaining time: jump rope
Friday: Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Glutes
2 times:
8 windmill (per side)
10 walking lunges (per side)
30s/5s each, 3 times through:
banded kettlebell swing
one arm Z press (per side)
bicep curl
overhead triceps press
monster band walk
single arm straight arm band pull down (per side)
hammer curls
plank jacks
banded donkey kick (per side)
wide row and rotation
reverse grip curl
triceps push up
one arm power press (per side)
30s, 4 rounds:
bicycle crunch
side plank raise (per side)
back extension
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