Monday, January 4, 2021

January 2021

 1: Back, Triceps, Front & Side Delts (w/intervals)

2 sets, 20 reps:
lat pull down (wide grip)
tricep dips
lateral raise

Interval Circuit 1 (for all interval circuits, 30/60/45 of each):
mountain climbers/reverse crunch

3 sets, 8-10 reps:
underhanded row (machine or barbell)
tricep push up
shoulder press

Interval Circuit 2:
toe taps on step/V sit hold with scissor legs (out and in)

3 sets, 8-10 reps:
close grip pull down
tricep straight bar press down
front raise

Interval Circuit 3:
burpees/elbow plank

3 sets, 8-10 reps:
single arm row
single arm overhead tricep press

Interval Circuit 4:
jump squats/bicycle crunches

2: Core & Legs

30s each, 3 times through:
banded bird dog (each side)
Russian twist
knee to feet get ups (each side)

4 sets, 12-15 reps:

banded deadlift
calf raises

sumo squat on step
lying leg curl on ball
plie with abductor

squat to deadlift (on two steps)
bridge with leg lifts
alternating curtsy lunges

leg cross behind (on bench)
B-stance deadlift
plie hold with calf raises

3: Chest, Biceps & Rear Delts

2 sets, 20 reps:
push ups
row and rotate (light weights)

3 sets, 8-10 reps:

chest press
barbell curl
reverse fly

chest fly
behind back curl
roator cuff

low cable cross over
hammer curl
high row (with rope)

3 sets, to failure:
push ups
close grip pull ups


30s each, 3-5 times through:
X crunch
side plank with top knee to elbow (each side)
sky diver

4: Run or Sprints

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