Wednesday, February 3, 2021

February 2021

 1. Back & Biceps

2 X:
db row, alternating positions, 30
1 minute plank


Lat Pulldown 6-10
reverse db row to failure
Turkish get up 30 seconds
mountain climbers 30 seconds

seated cable row 6-10
resistance band high row to failure
crab toe touch on ball 30 seconds
burpees 30 seconds

machine reverse fly 10-15
straight arm db kickback 10-15
dead bug with ball 30 seconds
tuck jump 30 seconds

machine preacher curl 8-10
resistance band curl to failure
plank knee in hold on ball 30 seconds per side

EMOM x 5:
5 pull ups
5 renegade rows
10 plank jacks

2. Legs

20 minutes light cardio

30s x 3:
bicycle crunch
bird dog
elbow plank
wide to narrow glute raise on ball

2 x:
yoga squat 30-60 seconds
walking lunges 20

3 x:

hack squat 8-10
broad jumps 20

leg press 8-10
lunge jumps 20

machine lying leg curls 8-10
reverse lunges 10

leg extension 8-10
wall squat 60-90 seconds

5 minute AMRAP:
5 plie squats
5 sumo deadlifts
5 weighted & elevated bridge lift (per leg)

3. Chest, Triceps, Shoulders

2 x
windmill, 8 per side
press weight forward

3 x:

1 arm machine chest press 8-10
2 arm machine chest press to failure

seated machine overhead press 8-10
exercise band lateral raise to failure

seated machine tricep press 8-10
tricep push up 10

2-4 x:
row 250 meters
V sit 30 seconds
row 250 meters
side plank hip drop 30 seconds
row 250 meters
side plank hip drop other side 30 seconds
row 250 meters 
V up 30 seconds
rest 1 minute

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