Days 1-7: Moderate Weight, 10-12 reps, Tabata (20/10 x 4) for HIIT
Days 8-14: Moderate Weight, 10-12 reps x 3, eccentric focus, 45s x 2-3 for HIIT
Days 15-21: Heavy Weight, 5-7 reps x 3 (no HIIT)
Days 22-end: Light Weight, 12-15 reps x 3, 6-minute AMRAP
Month 2: Same as above but Reverse Order of exercises
Day 1: Back, Hamstrings & Glutes
Leg sled push (100 yards there and back @ 65 lb.)
Barbell Upright Row
Reverse Ham Curl
Pull Ups
Machine Hip Thrust
Bent Over Row
Lying Ham Curl
Barbell Deadlift
Reverse Fly
Kettlebell Swing
Exercise Ball Back Extension
Donkey Kicks
Prone Exercise Ball Leg Lift
Box Jumps
Day 2: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders & Abs
Inversion and arm balance warm up
Push Ups (as many as possible in one set)
kettlebell halo roll
100 (total divided over the number of sets) medicine ball slams to floor
half Turkish get up (per side)
close grip dumbbell chest press
alternating renegade row to press
dumbbell chest press
exercise ball Romanian twist
landmine press (per side)
lateral raise
exercise ball jack knife
weighted front plank
medicine ball kneeling chop (per side)
incline wide grip push up
single arm cable triceps press down (drop set)
Day 3: Legs & Biceps
Hill Sprints (HIIT)
Banded Knee Lift
Toe Raise
KOTG lunges
Side Plank Abductor
Dumbbell Biceps Curl
Bulgarian Split Squat
Low squat to curtsy lunge (alternating)
Hammer Curl
Plie Squat
Lean Backs
Close grip pull up
Side lunge with slider (per side)
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