Sunday, April 28, 2024

Back Yard Campout

 We've never gone camping together as a family, so we thought we would give it a try.  The local parks were all full, but our back yard was available.  So we put the tent out back and piled the sleeping bags inside.  First, smores (on the grill because who wants to start a fire in their lawn?).

Then, we played games on the back porch while the sun set.  When it was fully dark, the kids piled into the tent for all of about five minutes.  Our plan was thwarted by Tiger attacking the tent, multiple times. It apparently was very entertaining or dangerous to Tiger.  One by one, the kids retreated back to their beds inside.  Oh well.  You can't say we didn't try.  It turns out that smores on the grill are delicious, but cats and camping do not mix.

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