Upper Chest, Upper Back, Shoulders
Week 1 & 2: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Week 3 & 4: 3 sets of 8-10 reps
25 dumbbell rows (1 set)
15 lateral raise & front raise (1 set)
30 push ups (1 set)
Low Row (1: 30lbs per side)
Shoulder Triset (lateral raise, upright row, military press) (1: 12 lbs)
Incline Press (1: 25 lb dumbbells)
Reverse Fly (1: 12 lb dumbbells)
Behind Back Upright Row (1: 12 lb dumbbells)
Front Raise (1: 12 lb. dumbbells)
High Cable Crossover (1 12.5 lb per side)
Bent Over Cable Lateral Raise (5 lbs)
30 minute long interval training
Legs & Core
Speedskater (hold each landing 3-5 seconds) - 3 sets of 10 each leg
Single Leg Calf Raise (Straight) - 3 sets of 15-20 each leg
Jump Rope Jog - 3 sets of 1 minute
Lateral Eccentric Touchdown (4-6 counts down, 1-2 counts up) - 3 sets of 6-8 each leg
Singe Leg Calf Raise (internally rotated) - 3 sets of 15-20 per leg
Jump Rope Double Under - 3 sets of 10-20
Bar Sissy Squat - 3 sets of 15-20
Single Leg Calf Raise (externally rotated) - 3 sets of 15-20 per leg
Jump Rope - 3 sets of 1 minute
Three Way Lunge (forward, side, back) - 3 sets of 6-8 per leg
Modified L-sit - hold as long as possible
20 seconds on/10 seconds off, 4 times (or 2 times each side)
Plank Up/Down
Side Plank Knee to Elbow (top side)
Gliding Mountain Climber
Anti-Rotational Band Hold
Steady State Cardio
Arms, Chest, Back
30 Second Intervals (6 times through)
Pull Up
Bicep Curl
Push Up
Overhead Tricep Press
Renegade Row
Hammer Curl
Chest Fly
Tricep Kickbacks
Dumbbell Skiers
Internal & External Rotation Bicep Curls
Chest Press
Sprint HIIT: 5 min. jog/run, 2 minutes sprint, 1 minute active recovery, Repeat Sprint/Recovery for a total of 6 times, 5 min. jog/run
Glutes & Core
Landmine Squat Hold - 3 sets 10-12 (1: 35)
Barbell Narrow Stance Stiff Legged Deadlift - 3 sets 10-12 (1: 60)Decline V-Twist - 3 sets of 15-20 (per side) (1: 10)
Plate Goblet Squat - 3 sets of 10-12 (1: 25)
Wide Stance Stiff Legged Deadlift - 3 sets of 10-12 (1: 70)
Pikes on Ball - 3 sets of 15-20
Banded Squat with Kickback - 3 sets of 10-20 (each leg)
Banded Hex Bar Deadlift - 3 sets of 10-12 (1: 25 on each side)
Side Plank Lower Knee to Top Elbow - 3 sets of 10 per side
Steady State Cardio
AMRAP 20 minutes:
10 each of: Box Jumps, Burpees, Jump Squats, Plank Jacks, Jumping Jacks, Tuck Jumps, Donkey Kicks, High Knees, Frog Lunge Jumps, Jumping Jacks
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