Saturday, June 1, 2019

End of the School Year

It seems like just yesterday we were having to drag Caleb, kicking and screaming, through the front doors of his school...Alas, those first few days -errr, weeks - of the school year are far, far behind us (thank goodness!), and we just wrapped up his kindergarten year.  Despite the rocky start, he really redeemed himself, and we couldn't be prouder of how well he did this year. Here are some pictures of his end of the year performance and party:
 Caleb was presented with the "Most Dependable in a Crunch" award.

 Wren and Judson are all about kindergarten if it means eating donuts with sprinkles on top.

The end of the school year also corresponds with Caleb's birthday and the annual huge birthday bash.  This year's Star Wars themed party did not disappoint!

 We're also enjoying lots of other fun summer activities...trips to Steak and Shake, playing in the dirt...

...and lots of napping in the van.

We're looking forward to all the adventures that summer holds...and hoping that Caleb doesn't forget how to get on the school bus over the next two months...

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