Strength Circuit 3
3 times through each circuit
Dumbbell Sumo Squat - 12
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift - 12
Bent Over Alternating Dumbbell Rows - 30 seconds
Bicep Curls - 12
Bent Over Row - 12
Jump Squat - 30 seconds
Hip Thruster - 12
Dumbbell Pull Over - 12
Cobra Push Ups - 30 seconds
Hammer Curls - 12
Shrugs - 12
Dumbbell Step Ups - 30 seconds
Power HIIT 3
3-4 times through each circuit. 30s on/15 off. 30s rest after each round
Renegade Row
Dumbbell Russian Twist
Two-Legged Glute Brdge
Jumping Lunges
Push Ups
Single-Arm Snatch (right)
Single-Arm Snatch (left)
Dumbbell Toe Touch with Scissor KicksStrength Circuit 4
Do all moves in the circuit, followed by 30s rest. Repeat 3-4 times. 12 reps per exercise.
Dumbell Chest Press/Flye Combo 25/20#
Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press 20#
Dips 30 seconds
Dumbbell Front Raise/Lateral Raise Combo 10# (try 15#)
Alternating Upright Rows 10# (try 15#)
Diamond Push-Ups 30 seconds
Dumbbell Skullcrusher with Glute Bridge Hold 15#
Reverse Flye 15#
Mountain Climbers
Burn Challenge 3
3-4 times through each circuit. 30s rest between rounds/circuits
20 (10 each leg) Dumbbell Walking Lunge
5 Broad Jumps
10 Bear Crawls
10 (each leg) Lateral Squat Walks w/ Band
20 Lateral High Knees
5 Single-Legged Hops to the right
20 Lateral High Knees
5 Single-Legged Hops to the left
10 (right) Dumbbell Step Back Lunge to Single-Legged Deadlift Combo
20 Dumbbell Kettlebell Swings
10 (left) Dumbbell Step Back Lunge to Single-Legged Deadlift Combo
20 Dumbbell Kettlebell Swings
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