Friday, April 18, 2014

Helmet-Free and Lovin' Life

This past Tuesday we were given the all clear to remove the big blue helmet from our baby's noggin once and for all.  It was not very cuddly, it sure did hurt when it was banged up against my chin, and the smell was quite repulsive...But it did its job:
Before the helmet, there was a definite flat spot and uneven growth.

 Now, his head is as round as the blueberries he likes to eat for breakfast!

Anyone in the market for a used helmet?

Friday, April 11, 2014

Swing Into Spring

Spring is in full bloom (finally!), and after such a long and frigid winter, we're spending as much time as we can outside.  Our new favorite outdoors pastime:  swinging!  We've made it to the neighborhood playground...
Caleb thoroughly enjoyed his ride on the bucket swings.
Don't you just love how his mouth is wide open whenever he's having fun?
We also tried a trip down the slide (in Mommy's lap).
He wasn't quite so sure about the slide yet.
We also have a swing in our very backyard that we make use of on a daily basis lately...
Whenever we approach the door to go outside, Caleb's little legs start kicking up and down, and his little face lights up.  I'm not sure who loves Spring more...Caleb or his mom.
Here are some other cute pictures from this Spring:
"What is this thing on my head?"
"I do look really cool with this on!  Now how do I grow a beard like that?"
"More sweet potatoes, please!"
"Do I have something on my face?"

Sleeping like a baby.
Still sleepy.