Thursday, May 28, 2020

June 2020

Strength 4.0

2 supersets of:
Side-hover clam shell - 10 each side
Kettlebell Windmill - 8 each side

3 sets of each superset:

5 at 5/5 tempo, 10 at 1/1 tempo:
Kneeling Upright Row 15#
Kettlebell Narrow Squat 35#

10/side Kettlebell lateral squat with overhead press 15#
4/side bear crawl hip escape

Ascending Ladder up to 5 reps/side (1 of each, 2 of each, 3...):
kettlebell lateral squat/push press/pass through - rest 30s then repeat for a total of 3 rounds - 15/20#

Skydiver - 10 reps
Rock the cradle - 10/side

Finisher:  all exercises back to back with no rest for 30s each

HIIT 3.0

2 supersets of:
Alternating banded lateral lunge + side bend - 4/side
Alternating bench hip flexor stretch + spinal twist - 4/side

Tabata 1 (20/10 x 4 (or more)):
Bench switch climber (right, left) + toe taps (right, left)

90s:  Bench double squat pulse + double lunge pulse + bench lateral ladder run

Tabata 2: (20/10 x 4 (or more)):
Alternating Lateral Lunge touch down + jump squat

90s:  Alternating bench lunge + front kick + 4 mountain climbers

3 minute ladder:  every round add one box jump until time:  
1 burpee push up, 1 box jump (11 box jumps)

bench reverse crunch
face pulls

Finisher:  all exercises back to back with no rest for 30s each

Strength 5.0

2 supersets of:  
Pointer elbow spinal twist 4/side
seated hollow with banded wide row - 10

3 supersets of:

lateral raise + isometric hold 4/side + 8 both sides together 10#
renegade row + kneeling biceps curl (half + whole) - 8 reps 15#
deadlift - 15 75#

one arm dumbbell biceps curl + isometric hold 4/side + 8 together 15#
sumo squat, biceps, overhead, calf raise - 10 35#
banded ham curl 15/leg

5 rounds x 4 reps of:
row (palms facing) 10#
upright row 10#
reverse fly 10#
up downs
rest 30 seconds then repeat for a total of 3 sets

3 sets of:
Reverse table hold or march 30s
Wall squat 30s

Finisher:  all exercises back to back with no rest for 30s each

HIIT 4.0

2 supersets of:
30s single knee drive
60s inchworm + hip stretch + chest stretch

30s/15s x 4 of each set:

Skater 4 reps
lateral shuffle 4 reps

high knee run 4 reps
squat jack 4 reps

lateral bear crawl 4 (per side)
mountain climber 4 (per side)

inchworm squat jump 4 reps
triceps push up 4 reps

90s lateral high knee + squat jump + surfer 
rest 45s
60s lateral high knee + squat jump
rest 30s
30s lateral high knee run
rest 15s
15s high knee sprint

2 rounds of:
bird dog 2/side
side plank crunch right 4
bird dog 2/side
side plank crunch left 4

Strength 6.0

2 sets:
8 - Banded single leg squat and leg lift
10/side - side hover slider kick

3 sets:

8/side - Bench single leg deadlift + deficit lunge
30s slider bench bear crawl push up
12 flat bench dumbbell pullover

12 dumbbell deadlift high pull
12 flat bench chest flye
30s flat bench crunch hold + scissor

1 min/side bench double pulse squat + double pulse back step lunge + press on lunge
30s bench push up
repeat for a total of 3 rounds

10/side elevated single leg bridge lift
30s hollow rock

Strength 7.0

2 sets:
8 Hip Drive + camel stretch
8/side side hover + leg slide

3 sets:

8/side Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat 20#
10 Dumbbell Double-Leg Hip Bridge + Chest Press 25# (+)

6/leg Slider Lateral Lunge/Back-Step Lunge 
10 (@ 3:1 tempo) Flat-Bench Dumbbell Chest Flye 25#

1 minute Dumbbell Bench Back-Step Lunge + Single-Leg Deadlift (left) 25#
30 seconds Bear-Crawl Slider Push-Up 
1 minute Dumbbell Bench Back-Step Lunge + Single-Leg Deadlift (right) 25#
30 seconds Bear-Crawl Slider Push-Up 

8/arm Hover + Arm Slide

HIIT 5.0

2 sets:
4/side Walking Lunge With Spinal Rotation 
6 Inchworm + Chest Stretch

Perform each move combo for 90 seconds, adding a rep to each move with each round. Rest 30 seconds, then for the next 90 seconds, subtract a rep with each round:

Knee Drive (right/left) 
Speed Jack 
Butt Kick (right/Left) 

Rotating Side Plank 
Triceps Push-Up
Drop Squat 

Lunge/Front Kick (left) + Jack 
Lunge/Front Kick (right) + Jack 

Lateral Shuffle
Sprint Climber

Ladder up, adding a rep to each move, for 60 seconds, then rest 30 seconds. Ladder down, subtracting a rep from each move, for 60 seconds, then rest 30 seconds. Then ladder up and down (pyramid) for 120 seconds:

High Knees 
180-Degree Squat Jump 

3 sets:
10 Swimmer Flutter Kick
10 v-ups

Strength 8.0

2 rounds:
Alternating banded lateral lunge + side bend - 4/side
bird dog 2/side
side plank crunch right 4
bird dog 2/side
side plank crunch left 4

3 sets:

10 Bent-Over Biceps Row/Wide Row Combo 20#
4/side + burnout One-Arm Isometric Biceps Curl 15#
10/side Pistol squats

8/side Alternating Lateral Squat + Halo 25#
8/side + burnout Lateral Lunge Overhead Press + Triceps Extension 20#
10 Lying slider leg curls

3-5 sets:
3/side + 3 together Isometric One-Arm Shoulder Press 20#
4 Triceps Push-Up Jack
5/side Alternating Lateral Squat + Halo 25#
6 Deadlift to High-Pull 25#

3 sets:
30s Reverse Table Hold or March
30s wall sit

HIIT 6.0

3 sets:
4/side Single-Leg Elevated Hip Bridge 
4/side Walking Lunge + Spinal Rotation

60s Alternating Lateral Lunge Touchdown + Straight Jump

Bench Mountain Climber 30/15
Bench Mountain Climber + Squat 180-Degree Jump 60/30
Bench Mountain Climber + Squat 180-Degree Jump + Sprint 90/45
Bench Mountain Climber + Squat 180-Degree Jump + Sprint + Tuck Jump 180 120/60

60s Side Climber (left/right) + Push-Up

Skater (right/left) 30/15
Skater (right/left) + Bench Run 60/30
Skater (right/left) + Bench Run + Burpee 90/45
Skater (right/left) + Bench Run + Burpee +  V-Jump 180 120/60

2 min: 
2/side Alternating Lateral Lunge Touchdown + Straight Jump
4 Side Climber (right/left) + Push-Up

3 rounds:
banded bird dog 8/right
side plank crunch right 8
banded bird dog 8/left
side plank crunch left 8

Strength 9.0

2 sets:
10 (one per leg then one together) Banded Hip Abduction 
10 Hollow Hold + Wide Band Row

3 sets:

Kettlebell/Dumbbell Kneeling Upright Row  (15, 12, 8-10) 10#, 15#, 20#
Dumbbell Squat Curl + Overhead Press (15, 12, 8-10) 10#, 15#, 20#

10/side Lateral Lunge/Lawn-Mower High Row Combo 20#
8/side Bear-Crawl Row 20#

Perform the moves back-to-back for three sets. Rest 30 seconds. Repeat for three rounds. 
4 Bent-Over Row + Squat Clean-and-Press 20#
4 Overhead Dumbbell/Kettlebell March 20# (1)

3 rounds:
banded bird dog 8/right
side plank crunch right 8
banded bird dog 8/left
side plank crunch left 8

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Get Beautiful

Kids say the darndest things.  That holds especially true for Judson.  He's always playing in his imaginary world and detailing elaborate movie plots.  Just this morning, he had built a lego city and was describing the different parts.  "This section is closed because they have the Corona virus," he said, "but this one is open because they have maskes [pronounced mask-es]."  Who says four-year-olds are too young to grasp what's going on in the world? [As a side note, this past week, Wren came screaming up the stairs because, as she put it, "Caleb is going to bite me and give me the Corona virus!"] Here's one of his dinosaurs wearing a mask.  The Corona virus has hit the dinosaur community as well.

He's also taken to saying things such as, "Mom, you can put me to bed because you're beautiful."  Aww.  Someone has taught him about flattery, apparently.  It seemed really sweet until one morning this past week...
I was in the kitchen, all sweaty and disheveled from having just completed my morning workout, when Judson comes downstairs still rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  As soon as he sees me in my sweaty state, he screws up his face, points to my bedroom, and says in his most whiney voice, "No! Get beautiful!" Stunned, I slunk off and took a shower.  After further reflection, I honestly feel bad for his future wife.  Not many people can pull off always looking beautiful, but Juddy obviously requires it to be in his presence.  Either that or I looked particularly bad this one morning.
Yesterday, though I was wearing no make-up (but had already showered), he said I could put his "baby-suit" [bathing suit] on him "because you're beautiful."  Thankfully, I'm back in his good graces.
Good thing he's cute.  Maybe it will help him to acquire a super model for a wife.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Beware of Alligators

While my parents and grandparents may sheepishly deny it (probably because they feel some obligation to), if you ask my sister or my aunt, I was a brat when I was little.  Capital B. Capital R. Capital A. Capital T.  BRAT.  There's the story of when I told my sister to close her eyes while we danced on the trampoline and then danced her right off of it.  Whenever we had to share a room, I would tell her that she was breathing too loudly.  There's the story of when I tripped over my aunt's foot and got mad at her because her foot was in my way.  I know I bit and scratched them until they cried and manipulated them until they cried some more.  Chalk it up to sibling rivalry and growing pains, I guess.  [In the years since, I have changed my ways, and, as far as I know, they no longer hold this opinion of me...or at least I hope.]
Then there's the story that even my parents love to recount as further evidence of my strong will, if not downright stubbornness.  I was probably nine years old or so, and we were on a family vacation at the beach.  As a break from playing in the sand, we took a day excursion to a local bird sanctuary to take a hike.  Sounds lovely to me now.  I think I was probably on board then, at least begrudgingly.  That was until I saw the signs posted all over the place:  "Beware of Alligators".  I'm not sure exactly what I thought was waiting for us on our hike through the bird sanctuary (maybe an alligator version of Jurassic Park?), but I do know that there was no way that I was going on a hike where there may be alligators lurking.  I know I protested vehemently.  I probably cried too.  Incidentally, I was the only person with any qualms.  My siblings were all on board with no concerns whatsoever.  I think my parents tried to talk some sense to me: "Alicia, the alligators are more afraid of us than we are of them..."  "No one has ever been attacked by an alligator at this bird sanctuary..."  It had no effect on me.  "Why would they post a sign such as this if there was no reason for it?", said the perfectly sound logic in my head.  No reasoning or bribing could budge me from my resolve.  The end result?  The rest of the family went on what I am sure was a peaceful walk through the woods (especially considering my absence) while I sulked in the hot van for over an hour.  Incidentally, when they returned, no one was even missing any appendages from alligator bites.  Imagine that.
As they say, what goes around, comes around.  The apple doesn't fall far from the tree in Wren.  If it's not her idea, she wants no part.  Even worse, if it's not in conformity with her idea, she will dig her heels in until she gets her way.  If she has the least bit of fear over something, it's not happening.
On a recent bike riding trip, Tony made the mistake of putting the Hello Kitty bike instead of the Barbie bike into the van.  It was a better size for her, but because it was not the one she wanted, she would not ride it.  While the other two were off riding their bikes, she trudged behind awkwardly pushing the bike in a zig-zag pattern along the path, refusing to even attempt riding the unwanted bike.  We tried positive encouragement.  We tried bribery.  She and I even argued a bit (when I refused to push her bike that she refused to ride and when I even had the audacity to suggest leaving it on the side of the path for us to pick up later).  She argued, complained and cried because the new bike was too scary, but she did not ride the bike.  In the end, the fun family outing was cut short because who wants to hear that nonsense on a bike trip?  Heaven help us.  My chickens have come home to roost.  [In an ironic twist, it was Judson who was worried about the alligators that may or may not reside in the pond by the bike path.]
On the bright side, if she is truly as much like me as she seems, I know that she will eventually come around and not be so stubborn or fearful if we keep exposing her to new experiences and stand our ground when we lock horns.  In the end, I know that this is the stuff of personal grit that, when properly groomed and harnessed, will make for a strong and capable woman.  For that I am thankful.
Ms. Pouty Face pushing her bike.

Tony riding the Hello Kitty bike back to the van.

Monday, May 11, 2020

May 2020

Strength 1.0

10 reps x 2
back extension

15 reps x 3
db static lunge (per leg) - 25/35#
db narrow to wide row (each) - 15#

15 reps x 3
single leg deadlift to single arm row - 25#
push up to plank jack

2 minutes ladder up (1, 2, 3...) then 2 minutes ladder down (4, 3, 2, 1)
renegade row - 25#
lunge with bicep curl - 15#

10 reps x 3
bridge + double leg drop + overhead crunch - 15#
bicep curls - 20#

each above exercise for 30 seconds, back to back with no breaks

HIIT 1.0

10 reps x 2
walking lunge with knee drive

30s on/15s off x 4
switch lunge + shuffle
switch climber + frog jump
diagonal pulse traveling squat jump
plank walk with hover jack

30s back to back x 2
jump lunge jump squat lunge burpee
in and out ladder

30s each side x 2
side plank tap

each exercise for 30 seconds, back to back with no breaks

Strength 2.0

2 times through:
4 inchworm chest stretch
8 skydivers

3 times through:
8/leg isolunge db press w rotation - 15#
4/side db push up pass through - 15/20#

3 times through:
8 kneeling kickback and triceps push up - 10#
10sumo front raise and overhead triceps extension (plus 10 burnout triceps extension) - 15/20#

5 minutes reverse ladder (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
narrow chest press - 25#
skullcrusher - 15#
double leg extension and crunch - 15#

5 reps/side x 3
bear crawl hip escape

Finisher:  everything 30s back to back with no breaks

HIIT 2.0

2 sets
8 hip drive and camel stretch
4/side hip flexor stretch bench straddle + spinal twist

30s x 3
burpee bench jump

plank switch climber
speed tap

bench walk up/down
mountain climber jack

U-bench sprint tap
triceps push up frog jump

Every 30 seconds complete one round of the following workout. Rest any remaining time before starting again at the next 30-second mark. Repeat 4 times.
half burpee + bench ladder + 180 degree broad jump - 4 times each

2 sets
elevated single leg hip bridge 10/side
double extension crunch 10

Finisher:  everything for 30s back to back with no breaks

Strength 3.0

2 sets
4/side - banded lateral lunge side bend combo

3 sets of each superset:

8/side - banded single leg squat and leg lift

8/side - rolling plank and press 10/15#
15 - narrow squat - tempo 2:2 - 35#

8/side - windmill 10#
8/side - lateral lunge law mower clean 20#
8 kettlebell swing 35#

3 rounds of the following
4 clean and squat 20#
4 overhead lunges 20# (1)
Rest 30 seconds then repeat
Rest 30 seconds then repeat (total of 9 rounds)

3 times through:
30s swimmer + flutter kicks
30s bicep curls 20#

Finisher:  everything for 30s back to back with no breaks

Sunday, May 10, 2020

May Fun

We're only ten days into May, but it's already been a great month.  We started out with some hikes, bike rides, art work and playing in creeks...

Then we practiced riding a bike without training wheels, and Wren and Caleb got it within a matter of minutes after having practiced on balance bikes (that is totally the way to go for teaching kids to ride bikes, in my opinion).  We're so proud!  Judson has been riding the balance bike for a year now, so I know he's capable of riding a bike without training wheels.  He's just not sure he wants to just yet.

 We also made a trip up to Cleveland, Georgia to the North Georgia Zoo, where we saw all sorts of unusual animals and got to feed a few too.  Look out for those human animals.  We opened the cage to pet a few, and before we knew it, they were riding home with us.

For Mother's Day, the kids all cleaned my car for me.  Wren paid particular attention to all the details.  She may have a future as a car washer.

This weekend we were blessed to finally be able to spend some time with our families for Mother's Day, first at Tony's parents' house yesterday and then at our house today.  How we have missed getting together with our dear family!

Happy Mother's Day!