Sunday, August 11, 2019

August 2019

Monday:  King Pigeon
Tuesday:  Side Crow
Wednesday:  Twisted Sundial
Thursday:  Split
Friday:  Firefly
Saturday:  Handstand

August 2019


3-4 Rounds of the following:  

1. 15 Triceps Push Up
2.  20 Bicep Curls 15#
3.  20 Shoulder Press 15#
4.  100 Mtn. Climbers
5.  20 Triceps Overhead Extension 10#
6.  50 Alternating Single Arm Row 20#
7.  10 T-Raise 10#
8.  5 (each arm) Plank Up/Down Jack
9.  20 Reverse Fly 15#
10.  20 Dips

1 minute rest after each round

Legs Strength Ciruit & AMRAP

Barbell Squat:  Build up weight to 3 continuous reps (max 5 minutes) (max of 120#)
Sumo Barbell Deadlift:  Build up weight to 3 continuous reps (max 5 minutes) (max of 105#)

15 minute AMRAP:
4 pull ups
8 barbell thrusters 30# 
16 dumbbell lateral lunges (per leg) 20#
32 jump ropes

4 times through of the following w/ 30 seconds rest between rounds
Walking Lunges - 10 per leg 25#
Banded Side Squat - 10 per leg med. ball
High Knees - 30 seconds

Cardio & Core

10 minute warm up run
10 100 yard sprints
10 minute cool down walk/run

45 seconds on/15 seconds rest - x 3:
Back Extension
Banded Dead Bug
Crawling Plank
Medicine Ball Twist to Hold
Mermaid Crunch

Chest & Back Strength Circuit

3 rounds of each of the following circuits:

10 Bench Press 75#
10 T-Row 45#
30 seconds rowing machine

10 High Cable-Cross Over level 6
10 Reverse Grip Row 60# or 70#
30 seconds Pop Squats

10 Lat Pull Downs 100#
10 Push Ups
30 seconds star jumps

10 Landmine Chest Press 35#
10 Overhead Pull Downs 30#
30 seconds burpees


5 rounds:
Lunge Jack (right)
Lunge Jack (left)
Donkey Kicks
Hollow Rock
Speed Skater
180 Degree Jumps
Frog Lunge Jumps
Roll Ups (feet together)


8 min. AMRAP for each set/ 1 minute rest between sets

10 triceps push ups
10 bicep curls
10 shoulder press
50 mountain climbers

10 overhead triceps extension
30 alternating single arm rows
5 T-raise
3 (each side) plank up/down jacks

10 reverse fly
20 dips
10 Arnold press
5 half burpees

Legs Strength Circuit 2

Barbell Squat:  Build up weight to 3 continuous reps (max 6 minutes) 
Sumo Barbell Deadlift:  Build up weight to 3 continuous reps (max 6 minutes) 
15 minute AMRAP:
4 pull ups
6 barbell thrusters 
8 (1.5 rep) dumbbell lateral lunges (per leg) 
16 double unders
4 times through of the following w/ 30 seconds rest between rounds
Walking Lunges - 10 per leg 25#
Banded Side Squat - 10 per leg med. ball
High Knees - 30 seconds

Cardio & Core 2

10 minute warm up run
10 hill sprints
10 minute cool down walk/run

45 seconds for each (no rest) x 3:
Back Extension
Banded Dead Bug
Crawling Plank
Medicine Ball Twist to Hold
Mermaid Crunch

Chest & Back Strength Circuit 2

4 rounds of each of the following circuits (no rest between rounds, 30s rest between circuits):

10 Bench Press
10 T-Row
30 seconds rowing machine

10 High Cable-Cross Over level 6
10 Reverse Grip Row
30 seconds Pop Squats

10 Lat Pull Downs
10 Push Ups
30 seconds star jumps

10 Landmine Chest Press
10 Overhead Pull Downs
30 seconds burpees

Tabata 2

5 rounds:
Tuck Jumps
Lunge Jumps
Donkey Kicks
Hollow Rock
Speed Skater (with weights)
180 Degree Jumps
Frog Lunge Jumps
Plank Hip drops

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Wren and Judson's First Day of Preschool

The day has finally arrived - it's the first day of preschool for Wren and Judson!  They were so excited this morning that we were all dressed and ready to go about an hour before we needed to be at school.

 Once at school, they just went right into their classroom and began to play.  They didn't even notice (or maybe didn't care?) when I left.

There were no tears from either the kids or their parental units.  That is, until I received a reminder from my phone of pictures taken three years ago today.  Just three short years ago my preschoolers were just little babies...

Oh how I love them!  And I am so proud of how well they did on their first official day of school.  By all accounts, it was a success (if you don't count mom getting a little emotional against me).

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Tough as Nails

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree with this one.  She wanted to join in my workout, and she did every last rep and every last set until the bitter end (and didn't break a sweat, I might add).
 I normally abhor the gym selfie, but when your gym partner is this cute, how can I resist?
This was followed by a stretching and yoga session, which she totally mastered.  (We won't mention the hysterical breakdown when glitter from her shoes got on her yoga mat.)  Lookout preschool!  This girl's as tough as nails and is ready for school!

Toothless Tuesday and the First Day of First Grade

Today was Caleb's first day of 1st grade!  And, unlike last year, he stepped right up onto the bus like a champ.  Whoo hoo!  (As she wipes the nervous sweat off her brow.)

I had parked the van by the bus stop and let Wren and Judson stay in there with the doors open while we waited on the bus, and I came back to Wren and Judson giggling and saying there was a cat in the van.  Yes, there certainly was!  He was very friendly, but I think his owners would miss him if we took him home (not to mention that I think Checker would be nonplussed (or rather, nonpussed?)).
And to make the first day of school pictures even more priceless, Caleb managed to wiggle his two front bottom teeth out just two days before the start of school.
 First grade is off to a great start!