Thursday, January 30, 2020

You're Bacon Me Crazy

We do not eat bacon in our house.  Or I guess I should say we formerly did not eat bacon in our house.  This former vegetarian and current health nut cringes inside at just the thought of this, but my kids are addicted to bacon.  I'm not sure what all the grandparents laced their bacon with when they fed it to our children for breakfast when they have spent the night in the past, but it must have been something strong because the kids have been lobbying hard for me to buy them some bacon lately.  So I finally did, and they had it for breakfast today.  I am not exaggerating when I tell you that Caleb ate half of a package of bacon for breakfast this morning!
  And when you eat half a package of bacon and your tummy is happy, you do the Yummy Dance.
I was slightly concerned as he got on the bus that he would go into cardiac arrest at school today from arteries clogged with bacon grease.
Wren and Judson finished off the other half of the package of bacon.

And did Yummy Dances of their own.  
Throughout the morning, I was told things like, "This was the best breakfast I've ever had." and "Thank you!  Thank you! Thank you!" and "I love you, Mom!"  
Wow, this bacon thing must be truly magical.  I even tried a bite to see what all the hype was about, but no, I'm still a bacon-hater.  However, I will definitely remember the profound power that bacon holds over my kids and be sure to utilize it when I need it.  
At bedtime tonight, they were already begging to have it for breakfast tomorrow and every day thereafter...

Monday, January 6, 2020

January 2020

Monday - Tabata & Core 1

Tabata (20/10):  3 times through
speed skater
lunge jumps
mountain climbers
single leg jumps (right)
single leg jumps (left)
single leg burpee (right)
single leg burpee (left)
lateral high knees

Core 1:
30s each - 2-3 times through
scissor crunch
single arm slider
feet up Russian twist
side plank hip raise

Tuesday - Glutes & Chest

push ups to failure
lying glute lift - 30

4 sets of each of the following super sets (w1: 6-8, w2: 8-10, w3: 10-12, w4: pyramid)

db chest press
goblet squat

incline squeeze press
split squat to single leg deadlift

chest fly
barbell glute press

low cable cross over
assisted p/u single leg press

Wednesday - Arms Circuit & Core 2

30s per exercise - 4-5 times through

close grip pull up
close grip db bench press
overhead press
side plank on bench (each side)
bicep curl
nose breakers
rotator cuff
dive bomber push up
reverse fly (pinkies out)

Core 2: 30s each, 2-3 times through
plank jack leg lift
v-crunch & touch
twisting split leg crunch
side plank tuck

Thursday - Legs & Back

w/u:  each move 30s, 2-3 times
bodyweight squat
Cossack squat
run 200 meters

4 sets of each of the following super sets 

db front squat - 10-12
banded ball roll in - 15
deadlift jump - 30s

pistol squat - 6-8
single leg knee drive - 10-12 
pop squat - 30s

drop landing (hold bottom 3-5 s) - 10
banded lateral squat walk - 20
sled push - 30s

broad jump
speed skater
box jump
single leg hop
x 6

Friday - Run/Sprints

run 3 miles/hill sprints/run 3 miles football field sprints