Saturday, April 25, 2015

BIG Secret

I've tried hiding it, covering it up, pretending like everything's normal.  But I can't hide it anymore.  I think the time has come to let the proverbial cat out of the bag.
Maybe you've noticed some strange things going on with me lately...If you've seen me at the grocery store, you may have seen me wandering up and down the aisles, grabbing whatever suits my fancy - ice cream, chips, frozen pizzas, bean dip, donuts - certainly not my normal food choices.  Perhaps you've seen me in the car leaving said grocery store, voraciously tearing into a box of popsicles.  Or you could have seen me leaving the gym with half a pop-tart hanging from my mouth (all the studies indicate they are the best post-workout snack, after all, right?).  Maybe you called me at 9:00 a.m. and learned that I was eating a heaping plate of spaghetti for my second (or maybe third) meal of the day.  Perhaps you saw me at a restaurant scarfing down cheese dip, chicken tenders, and fries.  Or maybe you've just seen me lately in my baggy attire and thought to yourself, "She's really let herself go."
So, yes, I am now here to confirm all of the rumors...It's true, I have decided to quit being a lawyer and a group fitness instructor, and I am taking up the new profession of competitive eating!  Can't you see it:  me sitting on a stage on the 4th of July cramming as many hot dogs as possible into my mouth.  The glory of it all is almost too overwhelming!
What?  "You don't even like hot dogs," you say.  Well, it is true that, generally speaking, hot dogs are about the last thing I would be caught eating...Although, they are starting to seem more appetizing the more we talk about them...
But I digress.  OK.  You've got me.  I'm not ever going to be a competitive eater.  But I still have great reason for eating so much.  Or perhaps I should say reasons.  You see, my waste line is not the only thing growing.
Party of 5!
We're excited to announce that our family is growing by twenty fingers and twenty toes!
Did you catch that?  We're having not one but two babies!  They're due in October, and we can't wait to meet them!
In the meantime, I will continue to eat as much as I can (maybe even hot dogs...) so that I won't feel as sick and so that they can be as big and healthy as possible when they're born.
And there's our big secret!
And if you see me eating some unusual things, now you know why.  Please don't judge. 

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