Saturday, May 21, 2016

Ten Years

Yesterday, Tony and I celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary.  And by celebrated I mean that we went out on a date to a nice restaurant...alone...and we actually were able to taste and enjoy the food and atmosphere!  At the end of the meal, the wait staff kept asking us if everything was okay.  It occurred to me that we were just sitting there quietly taking it all in, and it must have appeared that we were perhaps disgruntled about something.  "No," I explained, "we have three small children..."  Enough said.  They all understood.  We're not used to all the peace and quiet and adult conversations going on about us...or the 8:00 dinner reservations - that's awfully late to be eating dinner when you've been up since 5:30 a.m. working and taking care of the little ones! 
Ten years, three houses, three cars, two trucks, one minivan, four cats, three children, numerous fun trips, a few tears, and countless happy memories later, and I'm certain I married the right person.  I love you ten times more today than I did on the day we were wed, Tony.  You're the man I want my sons to become and the type of man I want my daughter to marry.  Thank you for your selfless love and all you do for us.  Here's to the next ten (and twenty and thirty...)!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's gone rather well, especially by overcoming all the cat turnover in the first 24 months!
    I'm not much, but by God's grace, I'm doing better than I should be in this honored role.
    Thanks, my love, for the praise-filled blogpost.
