Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Reflections on College and Beyond

 My cousin Madalyn left to go to college this week.  She was born when I was 16 - still practically a baby myself.  It's hard to believe that she's already old enough to be leaving the nest (and that I'm old enough to remember when she was a baby!).
We had a party to wish her well on her new adventure in life this past Sunday, complete with pizza, lasagna, cake and lots of babies, of course!

All of this hubbub got me thinking about my college and law school experience (the good and the bad) and about what advice I would give to my eighteen-year-old self (and to Madalyn and my kids), so here it is:  my top eleven pieces of advice for starting college:
1.  Remember where you came from!
2.  Remember why you are learn!  Yes, you're there to learn about whatever your classes are about, but you're also there to learn about the world and yourself.  Take notes!
3.  Branch out in your friend selection.  It's easy to flock to people who are just like you, but you're in a setting that is extra-diverse.  Take advantage of that and meet different types of people.
4.  Step out of your comfort zone.  You'll never know if you like ballroom dancing or opera unless you take that class (yes, I took both of those classes in college!).
5.  No amount of studying can replace a good night's sleep.  When you're tempted to stay up cramming for your midterms, put the books down, set your alarm for a little earlier than normal, go to bed, and then get up refreshed and finish your studying.  This worked for me all through college, law school, and studying for the bar exam.
6.  Show grace to your roommates whenever you can.  You're going to be tempted to get mad when so-and-so doesn't empty the dish washer or so-and-so doesn't ever take her clothes out of the dryer.  Remember, there's going to be things that you're going to do that annoy your roommates too, and you're going to want them to cut you some slack.  This will serve you well later in life...especially when you get married.
7.  Study abroad!  It will change your perspective on life.
8.  Don't forget to take care of your body as well as your mind.  You need good food, water, and exercise for your body and mind to work at their peak.  Man cannot live on pizza and wings alone!
9.  Go to class.  Yes, some professors don't have any attendance requirements, but there's something about just being present during a lecture that makes a world of difference when it comes to studying and taking exams.
10.  Don't live in yoga/pajama pants and t-shirts.  When you go to class, put in a little effort to look presentable.  I really think you learn better that way.
11.  There's no place like home.  After you've been away from home for a while, you really come to understand this.  When things don't go your way (and trust me, they won't always go your way) or you just miss your mom's spaghetti, you can always go back home for a little while to be with the people who love you most.
Make us proud, Madalyn (I know you will)!  We'll be praying for you!

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