Friday, June 30, 2017


For Father's Day, we all were invited to Tony's brother's house for a family pool party.  Caleb knew exactly what he was getting into and couldn't wait.  For the twins, however, this was their first time to dip their toes into the water of a swimming pool.  All of their reactions were priceless and as unique as they are.
You never would have guessed that it had been a year since Caleb has last been swimming.  He put on his swim vest and jumped right in...errr...was thrown in...
 There was no fear or hesitation whatsoever, and he could have spent hours on end swimming and jumping from the diving board.
 Wren, on the other hand, was a little (ok...a lot) apprehensive about this giant mass of water that everyone was splashing around in.  She could tell that everyone else was having fun, but she refused to even come close to the edge at first.
Mommy and Daddy couldn't do it, but Uncle Brent had the magic touch and was able to coax her to the edge of the pool to dip her feet in...
He apparently was reasoning with her and was able to convince her to get on his shoulders...
And eventually all the way in where she splashed and played and had a marvelous time like all the rest.
Judson was the real star of the show.  He hopped right in and never wanted out.
When he got to the point that he was shivering from being in the water too long, we would make him get out to warm up a bit.
But then he was right back in the water!
Everyone was having so much fun, I worried that there would be some serious tears when it was time to leave, but they were so worn out from all the activity that they didn't put up much of a fight as we dried them off and loaded them up into the van (where they proceeded to all fall asleep on the ride home).
We had such a great time and can't wait to do it again (only so long as there are lots of people to help us keep all the kids afloat)!

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