Sunday, December 1, 2019

December 2019


METCON (3 total rounds for time):
20 Dumbbell Step Ups (alternating legs)
20 Goblet Squats
60 High Knees (per leg)
20 Overhead Walking Lunges
20 Plie Squat Hold with Calf Raises
60 Mountain Climbers (per leg)
20 Cossack Squats (alternating)
20 Deadlifts
30 Jump Squats

     Week 1:  20:27 (with 25 lb. dumbbells)
     Week 2:  19:47 (with 25 lb. dumbbells)
     Week 3:  18:58 (with 25 lb. dumbbells)
     Week 4:  18:43 (with 25 lb. dumbbells)
Finisher (1-3 rounds):
BOSU Plank (1 Minute)
20 Hanging Knee Raises
V Sit (I Minute)
20 Mermaid Crunches (10 each side)
Set interval timer for 35 seconds (30 seconds to go, 5 seconds to change exercise).  Short break between each round.
Round 1:
Bent Over Row (1: 50 lb. barbell)
Jump Rope
Bench Press (1: 65 lb.)
Jump Rope
Repeat for a total of 3 times
Round 2:
Assisted Pull Up (1: 90)
Lateral BOSU Side Step
Arm Release Push Up
Lateral BOSU Side Step
Repeat for a total of 3 times
Round 3:
Reverse Grip Inverted Row (on Smith Machine)
Pop Squats
Incline Dumbbell Squeeze Press (1: 20 lb. dumbbells)
Pop Squats
Repeat for a total of 3 times
Round 4:  
Face Pull
High Knees
Stability Ball Chest Fly (1: 25 lb. dumbbells)
High Knees
Repeat for a total of 3 times
Round 5:
Skiers (1: 10 lb. plates)
BOSU Toe Taps
Stability Ball Two Arm Dumbbell Pullovers (1: 7.5 lb. dumbbells)
BOSU Toe Taps
Repeat for a total of 3 times

Dumbbell AMRAP (25 minutes)
10 Stability Ball Row & Rotation (5 lb. dumbbells)
10 Dumbbell Push Ups to Renegade Rows (12 lb. dumbbells)
20 Dumbbell Thrusters (12 & 10 lb. dumbbells)
20 Dumbbell Chest Press (20 lb. dumbbells)
20 Tricep Dips

Go through the circuits 5 times without stopping followed by the HIIT workout. 12-15 reps (except for pyramid sets).
180 Degree Barbell Front Raise
Barbell Drag Curl
Standing Arnold Overhead Press (Pyramid)
Dumbbell Bicep Curl (Pyramid)
Triceps Rope Press down (Pyramid)
Seated Lateral Raise
Seated Hammer Curl
Overhead Triceps Press
Incline Bench Reverse Pull/Flye Combo
Two-Arm Incline Dumbbell Biceps Curl
Rowing Machine HIIT (30 seconds on/off for 10 minutes)

AMRAP 20 minutes:
10 each of:  Box Jumps, Burpees, Jump Squats, Plank Jacks, Jumping Jacks, Tuck Jumps, Donkey Kicks, High Knees, Frog Lunge Jumps, Jumping Jacks

5 times through of each of the following circuits:
10 Dumbbell Squats 30#
10 Dumbbell Shoulder Press 20#
High Knees - 20s
10 Romanian Deadlifts 30#
10 Dumbbell Bicep Curls 20#
Mountain Climbers - 20s
10 Dumbbell Goblet Squats 45#
10 Dumbbell Upright Rows 20#
Star Jumps - 20s
10 Plie Squats 45# (plate)
10 Hammer Curls 15#
Burpees - 20s
10 Single Leg Deadlift (each leg) 20# (2)
Jump Rope - 20 s
10 Squat Deadlifts 20#
10 Lateral Raise 15#
Plank Jacks - 20s

5 Minute AMRAP #1:  Walking Lunges 50 feet, 25 Double Jumps
5 Minutes AMRAP #2:  Farmer's Carry 50 feet, 100 Single-Unders
5 Minutes AMRAP #3:  Side Squat 25 feet each direction, 100 Lateral Jumps
30s each, 3 times through
Plank Knee to Opposite Elbow
Single Leg Sliders
Bicycle Crunch

20s high intensity (stair master, etc.), 1 minute recovery - 10 times through
5 times through of the following circuit (only resting 1 minute after the completion of each round):
10 Barbell Bench Press 80#
8-10 Assisted Pull Ups 75#
10 Tricep Dips 75#
10 Reverse Grip Dumbbell Bent Over Row 25#
10 Reverse Lunges (per leg) 25#
20 Bicep Curls #10
10 each leg Three-Legged Dog to Knee-to-Nose

3-4 times through each circuit.  30s on/15 off.  30s rest after each round
Renegade Row
Dumbbell Russian Twist
Two-Legged Glute Brdge
Jumping Lunges
Push Ups
Single-Arm Snatch (right)
Single-Arm Snatch (left)
Dumbbell Toe Touch with Scissor Kicks

Complete 3-4 Rounds of each circuit.  Rest 30 seconds between rounds.
Plank Up/Down Jack - 45 seconds
15 seconds rest
Alternating Single-Legged V-Up - 45 seconds
15 seconds rest
Bent Over Dumbbell Row/Flye Combo - 45 seconds - 15#
15 seconds rest
Dumbbell Burpees - 45 seconds - 15#
15 seconds rest
Jumping Lunges - 45 seconds
15 seconds rest
Shallow Rock - 45 seconds
15 seconds rest
Speedskaters with Dumbbell Punch - 45 seconds - 5#
15 seconds rest

Do all moves in the circuit, followed by 30s rest.  Repeat 3-4 times.  12 reps per exercise.
Dumbell Chest Press/Flye Combo 25/20#
Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press 20#
Dips 30 seconds
Dumbbell Front Raise/Lateral Raise Combo 10# (try 15#)
Alternating Upright Rows 10# (try 15#)
Diamond Push-Ups 30 seconds
Dumbbell Skullcrusher with Glute Bridge Hold 15#
Reverse Flye 15#
Mountain Climbers

8 min. AMRAP for each set/ 1 minute rest between sets
10 triceps push ups
10 bicep curls
10 shoulder press
50 mountain climbers
10 overhead triceps extension
30 alternating single arm rows
5 T-raise
3 (each side) plank up/down jacks
10 reverse fly
20 dips
10 Arnold press
5 half burpees

8 rounds of intervals 30 on/30 off
12 reps of the following exercises, 3-4 rounds of each circuit
Kettlebell chest press with banded glute bridge - 35#
Diamond Pushups
Bent-over dumbbell alternating rows - 20#/15#
Two-arm bent-over dumbbell underhanded row - 20#/15#
Rear Delt Flye - 15#
Dumbbell hip thrusters - 45#
Dumbbell sumo deadlift - 35#
Dumbbell squat - 35#

4 rounds of each of the following circuits (no rest between rounds, 30s rest between circuits):
10 Bench Press
10 T-Row
30 seconds rowing machine
10 High Cable-Cross Over level 6
10 Reverse Grip Row
30 seconds Pop Squats
10 Lat Pull Downs
10 Push Ups
30 seconds star jumps
10 Landmine Chest Press
10 Overhead Pull Downs
30 seconds burpees

30s on/10s rest 5 times through:
Seal Jack
Reverse Fly
Dumbbell Row
Alternating Triceps Kickback
Dumbbell Hammer Curl
Dumbbell Overhead Extension
Triceps Push Up


20 walking lunges
10 star jumps
4 times through
rest 1 minute
10 kettlebell swing
10 kettlebell overhead swing
10 kettlebell goblet squat
10 kettlebell deadlift to catch to bicep curl
4 times through
rest 1 minute
60 banded bodyweight squats
rest 1 minute
40 toe taps
40 dumbbell shadow boxing
40 mountain climbers
40 jump rope
4 times through
rest 1 minute
10 alternate side V-ups
10 knees to chest
20 scissor kick with upper body hold
20 knees to elbows crunch
4 times through

3-4 times through
Hand Release Push Up - 10
Skull Crushers - 10
Jump Rope - 30 seconds
Standing Svend Press - 10
Angled Rope Press down - 10
Jump Rope - 30 seconds
1.5 Dumbbell Press - 8-10
Rope Press Down - 8-10
Jump Rope - 30 seconds
Squeeze Press - 8-10
Triceps Push Ups - 10
Jump Rope
Chest Fly - 8-10
Triceps Dips - 20
Jump Rope - 30 seconds

20s on/10s off
Plank Up/Downs
Knee Ups
Bicycle Crunches
Speed Skaters
Jump Squats
5 rounds

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