Monday, August 3, 2020

143 Days

143 days.  That's the number of days that have passed since school was abruptly and unceremonially called off back in March due to the pandemic.  Thankfully for us all, this seemingly never-ending summer has finally come to an end, and we actually had in-person school today (I still can't believe it's true!).  If you had asked me a year ago, I never would have thought that I would have to make masks for my children to wear at school, but I happily made them and packed them in Caleb's bag today if it meant that he could finally go to school again.  
When Caleb's alarm went off at 6:25 this morning, his feet hit the ground with a bit more pep than the day before, excited as he was to meet his new teacher, see old friends, and have a change in scenery.  He dressed himself with lightening speed and made and ate his breakfast with equal rapidity.  Even as he ate, the still dark sky rumbled, and rain began to fall.  Unperturbed, he pronounced that he would not let a little rain ruin his first day of second grade.  This boy was ready for school!  

Gone were the first days of kindergarten when he refused to get on the bus or even go into the school.  As soon as the bus arrived, he hopped out of the van (into the pouring rain) and ran straight for the bus without a moment's hesitation.  
Wren and Judson were able to partake in some new fun today too.  They both started their tumbling classes.  They did a great job following instructions and had so much fun.  Wren proclaimed that today was a dream come true (perhaps a little dramatic, but those were her words).  

Though the past 143 days were not bad and were in fact a blessing in disguise in some ways, today undoubtedly brought into fruition what we have been longing and praying for for quite a while now.  May it last, and may the teachers, students and staff have an amazing year!

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