Sunday, November 1, 2020

Halloween 2020

What do you get when you put a knight, a unicorn, a sumo wrestler, Hermione, Martha Washington and a groundhog together?  You get Halloween 2020!  We were blessed to have the Stocks trick-or-treating with us too!

I feel like there's a joke in there somewhere too.  ("A knight, unicorn and sumo wrestler walk into a bar...")

Joke or no joke, Caleb's costume got more than a few chuckles from the adults answering the door, so much so that he was a little self-conscious at first (even commanding that no one laugh when they saw him).  But then he waddled around the neighborhood and up and down stairs as if he'd always been 300 pounds.  

Wren was a unicorn.

And Judson was a knight in shining (or orange) armor. He also had some problems keeping his pants up.  I didn't document it with any pictures, but let's just say that there was more than one full moon last night.  

The weather was not too hot and not too cold, the kids could actually walk up and down the street (mostly), the company was fantastic, and the bright full moon gave the night the perfect Halloween-y feel.  We all agreed that it was our best Halloween yet.  

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