Sunday, July 1, 2018

Stairway to Heaven

Caleb's theological thought has been going a bit deeper here lately.  One night this past week, while I was putting him to bed, he had a string of thoughts and questions all pertaining to Heaven.  Here were a few of his musings:
"I don't want to lay on a cloud."  I told him that he wouldn't have to lay on a cloud if he didn't want to.  Nor would he have to play a harp.
"Will I fall off a cloud?"  I assured him that if he did choose to lay on a cloud, he would most definitely not fall off of it.
"How will I get back down from heaven?"  Uhhh….I'm just guessing, but I said that he could fly or be transported down?
"Can we bring the Jesus Storybook Bible with us to heaven?"  I couldn't see a reason why that would not be welcome there...if we were to bring possessions with us.
"Where will Noah be?"  Good question.  Maybe in a boat floating on the River of Life?
"When will Jesus come?"  No one knows that one.
But by far his most pressing concern was:  "Is there really a stairway to heaven?  Where is it?"  How do you explain to a five year old that the stairway to Heaven is not a physical structure but that Jesus is the true stairway to Heaven - the only way that we can enter Heaven?  I tried, but I think we will still need to work on that one.  He's looking for an actual staircase somewhere.
I just love his inquisitive nature and his curiosity over these matters!

Aside from delving deep into spiritual questions, we've also been busy at VBS.  Caleb spent not one but two weeks at Vacation Bible School recently.  We had tried to sign him up for one where he went to preschool, but it was full.  So we went on the waiting list and signed up for another one.  When we got into the first one after all, we said why not do both?  He had a great time at both!
Much to Judson's great pleasure, we also spent some time at Brent and Mimi's house where we sat on a real live tractor!

The kids also finished up their Summer Reading Program in which they completed 50 different activities related to the library and reading/writing in exchange for...inflatable guitars!

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