Sunday, June 7, 2020

Back to Baseball

After his second victorious game of his first season of baseball, the season was sadly cut short due to concerns over the dreaded C-word (which shall not be named here).  With every email from the league, we were sure that the season would be called off for good, like everything else in the past three months. Much to our delight, they actually decided to start practice a few weeks ago and games this weekend.  The season will be short but sweet - lasting just a few weeks.  Since his original team had disbanded due to not enough players returning, Caleb is now part of the Rockies but still wears his Nationals jersey.  
Caleb was so excited he could hardly stand it.  Friday night he went to bed wearing his uniform so he would be ready first thing for the game.  At about 9:00 that night, I heard some commotion in his room and came in to find him in bed with black face paint smeared below his eyes (and some fresh black fingerprints around the room).  I cleaned him up, and I explained that we didn't want to get black paint all over his jersey and that we could put the black paint on in the morning...which we did.
Getting ready for the game:

Though it was hotter and more humid than it would have been in March and April, the two games did not disappoint:  the Rockies won both games, and Caleb showed off his skills at both hitting and defense.  

When he was playing short stop, he fielded a ball and then beat a runner to second base to get him out! 
Here's the proud (and sweaty) recipient of the game ball: 
Go Nats...I mean Rockies!

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